Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Paul Mayasich: Home-Cooked Blues

Paul Mayasich grew up in a home of eight siblings with every genre of music pouring from the very cracks and crevices of the homestead.  From classical to pop, the family shared a love for the music they heard and the music they played.  At a young age, Mayasich was introduced to certain, more obscure, music brought home from college by his older brothers.  He describes blues as the first type of music he really felt "tug" at him.  A Bonnie Raitt concert he attended during his fifth grade year, which he clearly recalls today, helped nudge Mayasich (whose previous ambitions involved drumsticks) onto the path to becoming a superb slide guitarist.  Thank you, Bonnie Raitt.

Mayasich believes the wonderfully naive outlook of a young artist, excited over any opportunity to perform, is what motivates the beginner to begin and the seasoned to continue.  The ability to retain a belief in possibilities is what keeps the musician young and fuels the passion to create and perform.  As a performer, Mayasich discovered doing exactly what he loves can be a sort of musical therapeutic release.  It is his perfect outlet for "emptying the garbage basket" after a bad day.  The reward comes from the positive affect his music has on his audience.  When his blues provide a night of enjoyment and makes people happy, Mayasich is satisfied.

Mayasich's many Cd's provide a mix of his original music with covers that are seamlessly infused with his personal sound.  He says his original songs are created musically more easily than lyrically.  Mayasich claims, "If I have enough lyrics, I have enough music."  The claim should not deter the listener from giving his lyrics the attention they are due.  They are moving, thoughtful, often witty, and always cleverly arranged.  Mayasich prefers to write about the "everyday."  His are relatable topics stemming both from his own life's musical journal as well as from fictional characters which allow him the ability to approach topics from different points of view.  Mayasich enjoys his "characters that exist only for the sake of song" because at times it is more fun to live vicariously through them, and it harbors the ability to relieve responsibility.

To Mayasich, the blues are everything he plays and a style in which he finds great satisfaction.  He believes the blues will always last, transcending other popular musical styles which may be in and out of fashion in a few short years.  As long as it has been around, the blues have captivated a loyal following.  Mayasich is certain that generations to come will discover and carry on the legacy of this "music for humanity."  It is music that belongs to the people who enjoy it, and Mayasich thrives on sharing its various accents through his performances and recordings.  Although he appreciates music in each of its many diverse forms, Mayasich describes the blues as "the difference between canned ravioli and a homemade Italian meal."

Mayasich can be seen in and around the Twin Cities, and to its north, and to its south, playing with his trio, his friends, his siblings, solo, and more.  Find out where you can catch the blues of  Paul Mayasich.

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